Tuesday, December 31, 2013

CM report for Dec.29th

A compliment to the aides, I believe most came back early and that was very refreshing.

Early Preschool Class:  Shawn came to us right when he came to church and said he never got anyone to help teach with him.  I assured him we would find someone.  He said his son had helped him previously but that he wasn't there sunday morning.  Galen spoke more with Shawn later and I must say, personally this man looked like he was near to tears and we felt, he was doing us a favor even by coming to church with out his wife who is at home dealing with some serious stuff.  Shawn was so torn as he felt like he should be home with his wife and how he REALLY wasn't comfortable at all asking any women (young adult girl, older woman to teach with him) Galen totally got that.  I guess we should have been more sensitive to that fact. We placed Anthony R. in to help him along with Gabrielle Landis.  I realize like Jane shared later, she was not comfortable leaving mercy in there with two men teaching and so she stayed, but we really didn't know what to do and shawn just really broke our hearts. When you hear the hard realities of someone's personal life, you kind of let some rules slide as it can all seem so trivial in the light of someone's personal pain. Shawn said he is done teaching so I just want to confirm that he is taken off the teaching list.

Jane shared that we really need to look at the snack situation for the early preschool class and probably church wide at some point.  We have children with milk allergies who cannot have sourdough pretzels which is what has been provided currently in the class. you have some children bringing in their own snack which contains items like peanuts when you have students in the class highly allergic to peanuts.  Something I guess we need to have conversation about at our next meeting.  '

Happy New Year

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

CM report from Dec. 8th

A good quiet morning. :)

just a few notes:

Justin and Gretchen Barry would like permanent ID Cards
Children:  Lila Ann Barry 10/20/09
                 Bryce Barry 7/7/11
                 Mercy Barry 10/28/13 (6 week old baby)

I believe the early preschool depleted their pretzel supply.

ALLERGY notice.  Please label Nadia Choe allergic to nuts and shellfish

Regarding prize box.  Just an FYI Krin, the bracelets were chosen out of the prize box by the little girls who said there verse.  Wanted you to know those were the last bracelets if you wanted to restock those things till the next time.  It was fun to hand out the prizes to the children who did there memory verse.  The kids were so excited and I'm hoping we can continue to encourage parents and teachers to have even more children earn a reward.

Think that's it.  Enjoy the snow today.  I know two little boys that are beyond happy. :)


Monday, October 7, 2013

Sunday Oct. 6th

Birthdate for Elliott Choe Jan. 7, 2010

Both Brenda Reinford and Doug Miller thought they were on the month of Oct.  Thankfully Brenda R. had found out ahead of time so she didn't come prepared to teach but Doug Miller was kind of surprised when he walked in and saw the Rudluff's in the classroom to teach for Oct. Not sure what happened there?

The Yeakels were pretty much sweating buckets in their classroom, it was HOT.  Room #229. Not sure if we can have something adjusted for next sunday, although it will probably be cold outside till then, but it was so warm and they can't have the door open as the little ones will wonder out.  the hallway is very cool, their room sweltering.

I think we need to keep on eye on the K/1st grade combined classes. Brenda had 18 in the class, 3 special needs this past Sunday.  Brooke Landis was visiting with the knepps.  Anyway, Brenda could handle it fairly well, but that is a lot of kids for that age group considering there is more teaching time then in the younger grades. Just want to be aware and not lose good teachers because we are putting too much on them.

Brenda Alburger said she had gone to the web site to print out the new Bible Memory but that it was the old one still on the web site.  I didn't check it but wanted to make a note.

Is it okay we moved the coordinators table back to where we use to be?  Brandon was on set up and he kept questioning us because they, the set up team, was told to keep it up in front of the new nursery location. I feel bad, I think  we are confusing them.

A little chaotic afterwards regarding picking up of children due to the baptism.  Seemed like a lot of confusion regarding that as well.

There are still packets of papers to be handed out to people that could not attend the teachers meeting the other Sunday.  Names are written on each copy so hopefully next Sunday we can get the rest distributed.  I placed them in the front of the bin.

Have a good week,

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Scott and I definetly felt rusty this morning after a long break from coordinating and it showed.

We had two different teachers out sick and needed to find replacements for the on a whim.  So if you see Scott and Bev Silver thank them for serving in the 2nd grade classroom. 

Wendy Freed was also out, but we did not replace her with another adult.  Couldn't find one.  However, without even trying we managed to replace her with 6 youth helpers.  HA!  It just happened by circumstance.  Sam Stehr was there to help for Sean Daly, who didn't need him.  Jade and Michaela were in there to help with their own younger siblings.  We put Charissa in there because she was the floater.  And Brian and Sarah were on the schedule to be in there.  So needless to say Joanna had plenty of extra hands for that very large and very busy class.

Scott spent a chunk of time talking with the Massey family.  The would like Joshua to officially be moved up to Late Preschool.  So his name tag and the new attendance should reflect that.

What do we do when an older sibling comes to pick up their younger sibling, but they do not have their parents ID card?  Do we let them through on a temporary card, just let them through or do we send them back to their parents to get the red ID card and come back with it?  I had two different older siblings without cards this past Sunday and I really did not know how best to handle it.

It felt like a very busy morning, but I know I was also overwhelmed to be back.  We had a few visitors, some questions including a few teachers thinking the CM meeting was that afternoon rather than the 28th.  We had several bathroom breaks.  A teacher who didn't bring snack looking for something to offer her kids.  And then the stuff mentioned above. 

I think I am going to be the first person to bring this up.  I don't really know how others feel about it.  But I really struggled with the new set-up in regards to where the coordinators table is.  I totally get that it needs to be that far up the hallway because of the nursery change.  But I am petitioning we find another classroom for the nursery and move the coordinators table back down.  It is WAY to far away from the bathrooms to feel like you are keeping things secure yet being able to serve for the potty breaks that occur.  Also, the speaker is just above the table and it while I thought I would appreciate being able to hear the music and the service I actually found it very loud and distracting.  It was hard at different times to have the noise from the speaker above and having disucssion or answering questions with teachers at the same time.  At one point I felt like I was yelling just to speak over the noise from the service and I twice I had to ask them to repeat their question because I couldn't hear them.  So I wanted to share my two cents for what it is worth.  I know I personally don't like change, so I really tried to keep an open mind all morning, but that location for the coordinators just wasn't working for me.  I would love to hear others thoughts.

Jane (and Scott)

Monday, September 9, 2013

Sept. 8th coordinators report

Just a few things.

Two aides did not show, Claire Horrocks for EP and Charlotte Coulson for MK.  We scrambled at the last minute and found some willing helpers. 

Spoke with Joe D. regarding EP class.  She feels like the class is getting larger and they are now given a smaller space, atleast it feels like that to her.  She did have 12 on Sunday with atleast 3-4 regulars not there, so she could have a fairly large class of 2 and 3 yr. olds.  I will speak with you in person Blake about my conversation I had with her regarding Joshua Massey. 

Krin, we took care of all the whiteboard markers.  They are all in bags marked for the teachers to return to cart when finished class.

There are just a few red permanent id cards to finish handing out.

Have a great week.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

July 14 and 21

Relatively quiet two weeks.  Just a few items.

Eilee Reinford asked to me removed from the Nursery aide list.  I also was looking ahead today and saw Justin Reed's name on for a class room aide, I believe he is on for the 4th Sunday.  I guess we should replace him as he will not be helping anymore on Sunday mornings.

Joe and CJ Guckavan would like to add Jadon on the Early Preschool list.  Jadon's birthday is 10/21/10

The e-mails you needed:  Brendon and Easter Alburger said they are in the process of getting a new e-mail and will notify the church office when that happens. 
Doug and Lynda Fisher e-mail Lyndadfisher@gmail.com ( she thought the church had her e-mail but gave it to me again )

Still trying to get Massey's and Moore

Blake:  Regarding Nursing mom's room.  We were told they had only two rocking chairs, use to be 3. Of the two remaining, one is broken or isn't really safe to sit on.  So, apparently we could use some more rocking chairs.

I think that's it.

Have a good week.

Monday, June 10, 2013

June 9th

Bible memory gift cards were handed out by the teachers.  We thought that would make more of an impact if the teacher presented the gift cards in front of the class.  Give incentive to others.  Tara, there might be one or two in the box that need to get handed out yet as the student was not in class yesterday. Also, Tara and Don, please just remind the teachers to hand out any remaining cards they have in their binders.  Quite a few students were not in class so they said they would hand them out next week.  It might just be good to remind them as the the kids that did get them were very excited!!

Regarding the aide list.  Kyle Clemmer was on yesterday but I believe was up with the Allentown Group.  Should he be taken off?  Also, Becky Landis asked about Gabrielle serving the second Sunday?  We did not have her on the list.  She is on for the 5th Sunday.  Becky was told she would start helping on the second Sunday, she was just checking in with us as it was the second sunday yesterday.  I told her possibly there will be a new updated aide list coming out.

We could use a refill of Instant Ice Packs.  We used one yesterday on Collin Smith who got a nice bump on his forehead out at the playground.

Also just an FYI, this past Sunday we had two more visitors where the parent or relative bringing the children had a different last name then the children.  I talked with Krin and we are going to file the visitor cards under the child's last name since that is the name that would be on attendance sheets etc.  I wrote down the relationship to child of the person filling out the card. For example, the one person was an Aunt bringing her niece and nephew.
